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The Existence of the Human Energy Aura

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Do auras exist?

The human energy field can be defined as an emanation from a person not visible to the naked eye under normal circumstances and chiefly encircling the head. It is described as a cloud of light encircling the person or, in mystical terms, an envelope of the body, mind, and spirit. It appears to consist of subtle elements - the blue seen by some clairvoyants and the light effect seen around the heads of saints, and more gross elements including a great variety of electric fields, only some of which we are currently able to measure.

Very few people, even practicing clairvoyants, can see the colors of the aura consistently. The level, volatility or disposition of the aura reflects partly in color though the regularity is just as important. According to the clairvoyants, the colors can change from moment to moment and usually vary with mood swings.

The accumulation of observations is that each individual emits his or her own characteristic pattern.

Incidentally, the word "Aura" as the energy field is referred to, comes from the Latin air, which in turn comes from the Greek word for breeze or breath. The word aura is not only a term for a unique vibration field we radiate as individuals, but an expression of a collective vibration field, which is generated by society and indeed mankind as a whole.

The existence of a human energy field has been reported for many thousands of years in all parts of the globe. In many of the sacred books of the East, representations of the great teachers and holy men are given with the light extending around the whole of the body. Instances of this may be found in the temple caves of India and Sri Lanka, in the Japanese Buddhist books, also in Egypt, Greece, Mexico and Peru.

What is the human aura?

The vital body perceived as a luminous body was first recorded in the western literature by the Pythagoreans in about 500 BC. They held that its light could produce a variety of effects in the human organism including the cure of illness. Pythagoras himself used musical vibrations, color and poetry to cure diseases.

Many scientists have since devoted their lives to finding the evidence and the logical explanation of this phenomenon. Today the existence of the human aura is an undoubted fact and people can even measure some of it elements. It has also been suggested that the state of the aura is a reflection of the state of the physical body.